BlazorSplit - resizeable split views for Blazor
Resizable panels for Blazor

Resizable panels for Blazor
I introduce new version of MatBlazor - v1.0.0. Last time I have implemented ExpansionPanel, Tooltip, Floating Action Button, Themes, DatePicker and etc... For this moment I have implemented most of all components, that I have planed for versionĀ 1.0.0. And we have done this! Support .NET
ForwardRef is a technique for automatically passing a ElementRef through a component to one of its children or back from children to parent or among independent components. This is typically not necessary for most components in the application. However, it can be useful for some kinds of components, especially in
I introduce new version of MatBlazor v0.9.8. Support .NET Core 3.0 Preview 4 SDK! We make a lot of new components and in the near future many new components will be created. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who took part in the
I introduce new version of MatBlazor v0.6.1. Support both of Blazor 0.9 and Razor Components! And also I have started new sprint to develop new components for MatBlazor. Soon there will be many new components. MatBlazor - Github repository MatBlazor - Demo and Documentation